A little about myself

Software Engineer - A Self-taught and passionate .NET developer ..

The listed skills are the roadmap and result of my experiences during these years and I try to strengthen them day by day and bring them to the ideal level ..


ORM (Entity Framework, Dapper)

General Development Skills and Know Libraries (Data structures and Algorithms , Design Patterns & Principles, (Git, Github, Gitlab, Azure), Search for solutions)

General Development Skills and Know Libraries (HTTP/HTTPS protocol, FluentValidation, Architectures, Benchmark.NET, Swashbuckle, dotnet CLI, NodaTime)

General Development Skills and Know Libraries (MediatR, Razor, SOLID, Polly, GenFu, Agile, Scrum, and etc)

Client-Side Frameworks & Libraries (Blazor, Next.js)

API Clients & Communications (REST, gRPC, GraphQL)

Dependency Injection (DI Containers(Microsoft, AutoFac), Life Cycles, Scrutor)

Object Mapping (AutoMapper, Mapster)

Databases (Relational(SQL Server, PostgreSQL), Cloud Databases(Azure CosmosDB), Search Engines(ElastcSearch), NoSQL(Redis, MongoDB))

Domain-Driven Design (Patterns, Principles, Practices)

Micro-Services (Message-Broker(RabbitMQ), Message-Bus(MassTransit), API Gateway(Ocelot), Containerization(Docker), Orchestration(Kubernetes), Reverse Proxy(YARP))

Micro-Services Other (Kafka, NserviceBus, Orleans, SteelToem, Marten, Dapr, Tye)

Testing (Unit Testing(xUnit, Moq, FluentAssertions), Integration Testing(WebApplicationFactory, TestServer), Behavior Testing(SpecFlow), E2E Testing(Selenium))

Continuous Integration & Delivery (Azure Pipelines, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD)

Web 3.0 Frameworks & Libraries (Solidity, Hardhat, Truffle, OpenZeppelin, web3.js, ethers.js, and etc)

Real-Time Communication (SignalR Core, Web Sockets)

Caching (Memory Cache, Distributed Cache, EF 2nd Level Cache)

Task Scheduling (Native BackgroundService, HangFire, Quartz)

Log Frameworks (Serilog, Log Management System(ELK Stack, Sentry.io))

  • Computer

    Master's - Software
    Islamic Azad University,
    Sari branch

    2017 - 2019

  • Computer

    Bachelor's - software
    Islamic Azad University,
    Neka branch

    2014 - 2016

  • Computer

    Associate - software
    Islamic Azad University,
    Neka branch

    2011 - 2013

  • Customer Orientation

    Responsibility and accountability

  • Ceativity and innovation

    Problem solving and decision making

  • Self development

    Individual development

My blog

You can see popular posts on my blog in this section ..

Iran - Tehran | Isfahan | Mazandaran


0921 589 2274 | 0936 088 9206

I will be held accountable


You can message me at any time